Free Java STUFF

Here is a list of java jar files.
Include them in your classpath and run the JVM.

The Java Shell and Terminal
This page links you to the Java Shell and Terminal. A description and documentation is provided by the above link

The Java WeatherMan
The Java WeatherMan opens a window and displays a picture of the current weather and the current Temperature, Relative Humidity, and the Pressure. You need to provide it with a zipcode. There are some command line options, which include the interval which the WeatherMan goes to update the current weather, window sizing, and colors. You can also grab the jar file if you don't feel like compiling it.

The MandelbrotGenerator
The MandelbrotGenerator generates frames of the Mandelbrot set, allowing you to specify the kind of zoom, where to zoom, sweeping of fractal parameters, the colormap to use (24-bit or less), and a few other things. For more info about this program, see the Fractal Movies page.

Attraction, ported from attraction by jwz, used by xscreensaver.
v0.4a, 1/12/99
Attraction is an accurate gravity simulation. A number of points are on the screen, each with its own mass, velocity, and acceleration, which is affected by all the other points on the screen. With the mouse option on, the mouse position will have a mass in the simulation. The mouse-mass option sets the mass of the mouse. Currently, the spline modes have not been implemented yet, the spline functions need to be ported.

This is a screenshot in ball_mode.

This is a screenshot in line_mode.

This is a screenshot in polygon_mode.

This is a screenshot in tall_mode.

Usage: java Attraction [options]
      -mode        <int>
               0 = ball_mode
               1 = line_mode
               2 = polygon_mode
               3 = tail_mode
               4 = spline_mode
               5 = spline_filled_mode
      -colors      <int>
      -colorshift  <int>
      -points      <int>
      -mouse-mass  <int>
      -threshold   <int>
      -segments    <int>
      -delay       <int>
      -size        <int>
      -radius      <int>
      -vx          <float>
      -vy          <float>
      -vmult       <float>
      -viscosity   <float>

HyperCube, ported from hypercube by, used by xscreensaver.
v0.2a, 12/14/98
This will display a window of a rotating 4d cube, or hypercube, projected into 2 dimensions. The faces of the cube are drawn in different colors.

This is a screenshot.

Usage: java HyperCube [options]
       -xy <float>                  (xy plane rotation)
       -xz <float>                  (xz plane rotation)
       -yz <float>                  (yz plane rotation)
       -xw <float>                  (xw plane rotation)
       -yw <float>                  (yw plane rotation)
       -zw <float>                  (zw plane rotation)
       -delay <int>                 (milliseconds delay per frame)
       -observer_z <float>          (perspective distance from cube)
       -mono                        (no colors)

Grav, ported from grav Greg Bowering
, used by xscreensaver.
v0.2a, 12/15/98
This will display a window and run a gravitation simulation with colors. There will be a fixed star in the center with a number of planets orbiting. The '-trail' option is a little different than the xscreensaver version.

This is a screenshot in default mode, without trails.

Usage: java Grav [options]
       -decay                (planet orbits decay)
       -trail                (planets produce trails)
       -count <int>          (number of planets)
       -delay <int>          (milliseconds delay per frame)

lookup.jar version 0.0001a

This will do a yellow pages lookup for businesses in Pittsburgh, PA. If you do not live in Pittsburgh, maybe you can convince jonlin to make the RFE.

usage: java jonlin.lookup
args: Any number of words to match the Business name or description.

More to come, this page is under construction blah blah blah
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